Each year Waltham Forest Council updates its local financial guidance for FEEE providers, all FEEE providers are strongly encouraged to read these documents carefully.
The next section of downloads is our guidance for 2025-26 comprising the following:
The documents below are appendices from the Early Years Funding Formula report presented to Schools Forum on 7th February and provide details of the final hourly rates and indicative budgets for all setting for the 2024-25 financial year.
Being able to accurately calculate the amount of FEEE funding your school or setting will receive based on the number of children you estimate will take up a place has always been important in order to support short and long term budget planning and financial sustainability. However with the expansion of the FEEE offer during financial year 2024/25 to children from 9 months old, it is more important than ever, and particularly if you are considering delivering FEEE places to an age range of children that you may not have provided places to before.
In order to assist schools and settings with this we have developed two FEEE income calculators, one which covers the existing entitlements from Summer Term 2023 to Spring Term 2024 and one that covers the financial 2024/25 (Summer Term 2024 to Spring Term 2025), which includes the new entitlement of 15 hours per week from April 2024 for 2 year old children from working families and the new entitlement of 15 hours per week from Sept 2024 for 9 month old children. You can find these calculators in the download section below. Please remember all children are eligible from the term after their eligible birthday.
Childcare Providers must ensure that a Parental Declaration Form is completed for all children accessing the free early education entitlement. This digital parental declaration form should be completed by the childcare provider on behalf of parents/carers based on the information provided during registration.
You do not need to sign in or create an account to complete this digital form. You can download a copy of the form for your reference, but information must be entered through the link provided here: Waltham Forest Parent Declaration for the Free Early Education Entitlement.
Digital Parental Declaration form user guide
The Parental Declaration form is provided for reference purposes only. It is intended to guide providers on the information required to complete the digital parental declaration form accurately.
Once these documents have been moved, the downloads section can then be removed from the page as all the sections have the downloads.
For any queries relating to FEEE funding and submitting headcounts, please contact 020 8496 3565.