SEND Passport

This tiered SEND Passport training package supports early years practitioners, childminders and early years SENCOs in supporting children with SEND, in an inclusive and enabling environment.

EYFS SEND Audit Tool

The EYFS SEND Audit has been designed as an introductory tool to encourage Early Years provisions to reflect on their current practice, environment, policies and procedures and use these reflections to make any required changes to support high quality inclusion for children with SEND in the provision.

As we continue to deliver the AET programme for Early Years and add the next module to our training package, we now recommend SENCOs and Leaders access the Autism Education Trust ‘The Early Years Standards Framework.’ This framework can be used by leaders to enhance and embed inclusive practice and improve outcomes for autistic children. The framework can be used by leaders to support settings to reflect, plan and implement improvement processes. Completion of the AET Early Years Standards Framework, supports leaders to meet the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021), the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice (2014), and their equality duties whilst complying with the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (2019)’


Autism in the Early Years

The Early Years Childcare and Business Development Service are excited to now be license holders to deliver the Autism Education Trust (AET) programme to the Early Years sector in Waltham Forest.

The AET is a DFE approved programme led by two national autism charities – the National Autistic Society (NAS) and Ambitious about Autism (AaA).

The Early Years AET programme is delivered in modules, beginning with ‘Making Sense of Autism’ and is suitable for ALL staff working with autistic children, including nursery practitioners, childminders, setting managers, teachers and support staff. Find out more here

Attendees undertaking any of the Early Years AET training will benefit from an increased awareness of Autism as a difference, not a deficit and how to value the strength that comes with embracing neurodiversity and partnership working.  The training modules will provide an introduction to autism and some of the reasonable adjustments that need to be considered when working with autistic children.

Training: The below courses will be running both virtually via Microsoft Teams and during face-to-face training sessions. Please book your place via the booking link below. 

Please click on the module titles to view the full content of each course.

Training Modules:

Early Years Making Sense of Autism training, to book a place on this training, please click here.

Early Years Good Autism Practice training, to book a place on this training, please click here.

AET Developing Play in the Early Years training, to book a place on this training, please click here.

AET Developing Toileting in the Early Years training, to book a place on this training, please click here.

For further information about the Autism Education Trust click here.


STEPS Assessment

New to Early Years SENCO

Supporting Language


Behaviour Support


Support Plans


Toilet Training

The Department for Education has published new toilet training guidance on the Help for Early Years Providers website. This will help educators understand how to support babies and young children with toilet training in early years settings. 

The guidance includes information and resources on:

  • When to start toilet training
  • How to toilet train
  • Common toilet training challenges
  • Supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
  • Working in partnership with parents and carers 

You can read the guidance here: Help for early years providers : Toilet training


Flourish Specialist Education Services

This service supports pupils from Year One and up, with visual impairment and mobility needs; hearing impairment; autism, learning and cognitive disabilities. Within the SENDsuccess team there are experienced teachers with specialist qualifications in SEND.


Useful Documents


Today over 100,000 children and adults use Makaton symbols and signs, either as their main method of communication or as a way to support speech.

In addition to children and adults with communication and learning difficulties and the community around them – for example, teachers, health professionals, friends, public service bodies etc. Makaton is increasingly used by the general public to aid communication.

Makaton has been shown to be useful for all sorts of people. By using Makaton, children and adults can take a more active part in life, because communication and language are the key to everything we do and learn.                                                    

The Makaton website has further information and resources. Including the Makaton Free Library. 

Last update: Monday 17th of February 2025 10:15:41 AM