Remote Learning

Remote Learning is the process of teaching and learning performed at a distance. From October 2020 schools in England have a legal duty to provide remote education for statutory school-aged children who are unable to attend school due to coronavirus.


Remote learning is the process of teaching and learning performed at a distance. Rather than having students and teachers coming together in person, remote learning means that students are distanced from their teacher and their peers. Effective remote learning attempts to provide an experience as close to the classroom environment, as possible when the student and teacher are in two different places. 

Technically, no technology is required for remote learning to take place, nor does remote learning have to take place online. 


Waltham Forest’s expectations 

It is envisaged in Waltham Forest that remote learning will typically be delivered to the same groups that would normally receive teaching and learning i.e. it will not give rise to a shift to small group or individualised learning.

Sixth Form Colleges are strongly encouraged to provide remote learning to students attending post-16 courses.

Provision of Remote Education (England) Temporary Continuity Direction 

The Provision of Remote Education (England) Temporary Continuity Direction came into effect on 22 October 2020 and places a legal duty on schools in England to provide remote education for statutory school-aged children who are unable to attend school due to coronavirus.

This includes where:

  • a class, group of pupils or individual pupils need to self-isolate, or
  • there are local or national restrictions requiring pupils to stay at home.

Schools must ensure that access to remote education is in place as soon as either of the above situations occurs.  

Remote education must be provided to pupils who are of compulsory school age and pupils who are below compulsory school age but who would usually be taught in a class with compulsory school aged children (most commonly in a reception class). This Direction does not apply to post 16 education, meaning further education (FE) colleges, sixth form colleges, school sixth forms or 16-19 Academies. 

There is a suite of support available to teachers and education professionals to deliver and manage remote learning.

Government guidance and support on remote learning

LGfL training

Teachers and school leaders can take advantage of training available FREE to all LGfL subscribed schools on remote learning themed topics ranging from inclusion and safeguarding to best practice teaching in an online classroom using Microsoft Teams. All sessions are delivered virtually. Follow the link to view all available training.

Waltham Forest Remote Learning Network

The Waltham Forest Remote Learning Network was set up in September 2020 to support all schools in Waltham Forest to develop their remote leaning offer. 


The Network aims to bring together all schools to share latest information about the support available to help schools develop or expand their remote learning offer. In addition, the Network sought to share best practice and resources to support specific cohorts of pupils particularly disadvantaged pupils, to maximise levels of engagement.    

The Remote Learning Network meets fortnightly for focused sessions on topics including:

  • Primary resources
  • Inclusion
  • Online classrooms
  • Online safeguarding



A working group made of LA officers and senior school leaders have been working together on a set of model policies and protocols. 

The Network is made up of the Remote Learning Leads - a SLT member - from all schools in the borough and meets fortnightly with each session having a specific focus.

How to get involved

For any schools who wish to engage in the network please contact us for details 


Last update: Wednesday 22nd of January 2025 03:58:44 PM