Information on the government's apprenticeship levy.
In 2017 the government introduced an apprenticeship levy apprenticeship levy to support the development of apprenticeships.
The apprenticeship levy is paid by employers who have an annual payroll bill of £3 million or over, including schools and trusts. From April 2017, 0.5% of an employer's pay bill will be collected by HMRC monthly via PAYE as a hypothecated tax, which means it can only be spent on apprenticeship training. Employers (subject to connected companies' rules) will receive an allowance of £15,000.
The levy funds can be used to fund apprenticeship training for existing members of staff as CPD and new apprentice employees.
Waltham forest council have a dedicated apprenticeships manager who can support you with your apprenticeship needs
The apprenticeships manager can assist you by:
For more information on how you can utilise the apprenticeship levy to develop new and existing employees:
Telephone: 020 849 6803