Early Years Policies and Procedures

Ofsted requires all settings to have a set of policies and procedures which are detailed in the Early years foundation stage statutory framework (EYFS). London Borough of Waltham Forest (LBWF) have produced a range of policy prompt documents to support in delivering high quality childcare. 

What are policy and procedures?

Policies and procedures help and guide all staff working in the setting. They ensure and endorse the well-being of all families, children, staff, volunteers and everyone who is connected to the setting. When policies and procedures are well thought out and, most importantly, implemented they provide common understanding and agreement on how things should be done at the setting.

Procedures provide clear instructions and guidelines on what should/must be done in a particular set of circumstances or with regard to a particular issue.

Policies should be 'living' documents that must be regularly reviewed to ensure that they meet all the needs of those working in the setting, and take into account the possible changes that have happened in the setting and within the wider community.

To summarise; good, well thought out and implemented policies and procedures:

  • Ensure good practice;
  • Help to establish a professional and effective organisation;
  • Provide consistency amongst staff, parents and children;
  • Can prevent any ambiguity about how particular situations/issues should be handled in the setting;
  • Provide clear information about what to do when there are concerns or when things go wrong;
  • Promote harmony among staff; and
  • Lead to a more efficient and effective delivery of service.


Policy Prompt Documents

London Borough of Waltham Forest have produced a range of policy prompt documents. These documents will support you to write policies and procedures for your school or setting that are in line with Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), and Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements. (New policy coming soon). 

They must be adapted to reflect the service your school/setting offers.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Entry Profile Template

Key Person Policy

Settling in Policy

Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy

Biting Policy 


Health and Safety – employees, service users, premises, food

Health and Safety Policy prompt Guidance 

Fire Safety

Fire Safety Log Template

External Play Area risk Assessment

Annual Health and Safety Audit

Risk assessment  and Risk benefit analysis policy prompt

Food Safety 

Accident and Incident Procedure

Ill or Infectious Children Policy and Procedure

Food and Drink Policy Prompt

Outings Policy prompt

Packed Lunch Policy Template 



Arrival and Departure Policy prompt

Lost or Missing Child Policy Prompt

Medication Policy Prompt

Nappy Changing Policy

Safer Recruitment and DBS single central record template


HR (inc safer recruitment and statistics employment procedures ACAS)

Safer recruitment Policy

Staff Training and Development policy

Staff behaviour policy code of conduct

No smoking, vaping, alcohol and drug policy

Safeguarding induction template


Equality, Inclusion and Diversity - employees and service users

Inclusion Policy Including SEND and Equal Opportunities


GDPR and Privacy Policy

GDPR and Confidentiality Procedure

Privacy Policy Template


Finance (including FEEE)- Fees charges, publishing numbers, FEEE

Finance Prompts

Early Years FEEE Funding guidance 


Complaints and concerns

Concerns, Compliments and Complaints Procedure Prompt Guidance

Complaint Incident Allegation Investigation Report Template

Complaint Incident Allegation Report Template


Last update: Thursday 20th of March 2025 10:15:46 AM