Running your Business

A range of business tools and guidance for supporting and running successful high quality early years childcare. 

Team Around Setting (TAS) 

The Early Years, Childcare & Business Development Service (EYCBDS) provides a core offer of support to Ofsted registered settings with concerns that have been identified by Ofsted, Enforcement notice, LADO & LA MAGEYs.

A TAS Meeting is organised by TAS Lead to address the areas of actions or concerns. Settings are advised to read the TAS Process guidance for more information.  The Focus Improvement Plan (FIP) to be completed as part of the TAS process can be downloaded below.

Download guidance documents below:

Feedback from the TAS process

‘We're thrilled with our recent Ofsted report and incredibly proud of our team's hard work. Also, a big thank you for all of your support and helping us shape us into thriving and nurturing environment today. Your guidance, advice, and assistance has helped us throughout our journey on achieving that Good rating’.

Childcare Provider -from Requires Improvement (RI) to Good

‘Thank you for supporting the team through the journey from our RI inspection outcome as it was not what we had hoped for and expected. Your professionalism and experience provided my team and I the support we needed and the encouragement the team needed to continue, implement the necessary changes at a time when confidence and team moral was low. I firmly believe the TAS process has helped us to achieve our desired outcome at the earliest possible time.’ 

Childcare Provider -from Requires Improvement (RI) to Good

‘A very big 'thank you' for all the support given to us by your team. It is highly appreciated’.

Childcare Provider 

Multi Agency Early Years (MAGEY) group

The MAGEY group has been set up to provide a monitoring process to ensure Ofsted registered provisions in Waltham Forest are of a high quality, inclusive and safe and prepare children for their next stage in learning or school.


Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures help and guide all staff working in an Early Years & Childcare setting. They ensure and endorse the well-being of all families, children, staff, volunteers and everyone who is connected to the setting. When policies and procedures are well thought out and, most importantly, implemented they provide common understanding and agreement on how things should be done at the setting.

Waltham Forest Early Years & Childcare team have developed a  range of policy and procedure prompt documents  to support in delivering high quality childcare.


Ofsted registered childcare providers can promote their provision to parents/carers through the childcare directory on the Early Years Provider Portal. 

Sign in to advertise your childcare business.

Childcare Expansion in Schools

All early years and childcare provision should be viewed as a business. Achieving and delivering a consistent high quality of childcare in the long term is impossible without sound business planning and management. The guidance is for maintained schools and academies considering lowering their age range to admit nursery children or establishing early years provision. It also includes information on where to find relevant statutory requirements, the processes you will need to follow, and funding available for childcare expansion

Maintained Schools and Academies

  1. Early Years & Childcare Expansion guidance for schools
  2. Statutory Consultation on lowering nursery age template


Childcare Expansion Grant (for Early Years, Childcare and Wraparound Providers)

In the Spring Budget of March 2023, the government announced a series of childcare expansion reforms designed to support eligible working families to access childcare and all parents/carers of primary school-aged children to access term time childcare in their local area from 8am to 6pm. The DfE have released funding to support these reforms. 

This application and guidance is for early years, childcare and wraparound providers to be able to access the childcare expansion grant.

  1. Revenue Resources Grant Guidance and Application
  2. Childcare Expansion Capital Grant Guidance and Application
  3. Guidance on Obtaining quotation for capital works


Business Planning Support

Childcare works Hub for Early Years and Wraparound Childcare Providers

Access resources to support you in expanding your early years and wraparound childcare: