The Schools Forum is administered by the local authority. The forum runs consultations and makes decisions on how some of the schools funding is distributed. This page provides information on the forum and forum representative's responsibilities, how funding payments are made and the minutes of past meetings.
Each year local authorities receive the Designated Schools Grant (DSG) from the Secretary of State which must be used in support of early years and schools.
Schools Forum is made up of representatives from early years, schools and 16 to 19 education providers. Representatives from schools and academies (including free schools) should be roughly proportionate to the number of children in each sector.
Full Schools Forum meets monthly between September and February for approximately two to three hours. Occasionally additional meetings may be required.
In addition to the full meetings, schools forum will often ask representatives to be part of a ‘Task and Finish Group’, set up to look into specific areas of funding and bring recommendations back to the full forum to vote on.
Once the Schools Forum have agreed how the funding will be distributed for the oncoming year this funding formula will be used across all schools within Waltham Forest.
Academies receive their budgets (based on the locally agreed formula) directly from central government, whilst the local authority is responsible for distributing the funding directly to maintained schools.
Find out how Schools Forum have agreed to distribute funding for the 2019-20 financial year.
The local authority is also responsible for making direct payments to all schools for:
Further information on the obligations and duties of the Schools Forum can be found on