End of year message from the Director of Education
12 December 2024
Dear Colleagues,
As we come to the end of 2024 and the end of the Autumn Term, I just wanted to thank you for all your work and achievements across Waltham Forest schools.
It has been a very busy year nationally and locally, with potential changes in direction of travel from the DfE and Ofsted in 2025, with regard to statutory frameworks. September 2025 Ofsted will have ‘School Report Cards’ in place and the DfE will have RISE advisers working with local authorities, Trusts and Regional Director teams accelerating School Improvement.
In Waltham Forest we will be welcoming the new Corporate Director of Education, Mary Jarrett, at the start of February and recruitment to the post of Assistant Director – Schools will open in the next few weeks. At the end of term, we will also be saying goodbye to some of our school staff and so I am sure you would like to join me in thanking them for their contribution and support whilst working in Waltham Forest. They are:
- Faye Rider, headteacher at Edinburgh Primary is leaving to take up another headship. The appointment of an interim headteacher is yet to be confirmed.
- Emma-Jane Kelly, acting headteacher Barn Croft Primary, the new substantive headteacher at Barn Croft Primary, from January 2025, will be Adrien Schweizer
- Ruslan Protsiv, headteacher at St Patrick’s Catholic Primary is leaving and Natalie Holden will commence as headteacher in January 2025
Also, a new headteacher is joining Belmont Park in January, Abedah Karim.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a restful break and time to recharge and refresh over the holiday period. Officers will also be taking leave but out of office messages will inform you who is available during the holiday period and when specific officers will be back in work to respond to your query.
Seasons greetings and my very best wishes to you all.
Cheryl Eyre, Interim Director of Education