Change to Transition Day – Wednesday 12 July 2023

An important communication form Gerry Kemble: Assistant Director, Schools.

There has been a change to the “Year 7 Transition Day” this year.

This has been necessary following the announcement by the NEU that their members who are teachers will be taking strike action on 5 July.

Following brief discussions with coordinator's from the Primary and Secondary sectors it was agreed that the “Transition Day” will move back a week to Wednesday 12 July.

I apologise that this will not be ideal for all schools and understand that some schools will be unable to participate due to prearrange school trips.

However, going ahead on the day was the “least bad” option available. 

As you know, this day enables Year 6 children to visit their intended secondary school, meet teachers and engage in positive activities. 

Whilst the Local Authority (LA) do not directly engage in the organisation or delivery of this Transition Day, we fully support it and would encourage all our schools to take part where they can reasonably do so.