The Early Years Provider Portal is an online web portal for childcare providers to access a secure website to submit details of children and any information to claim funding for free early education entitlement for eligible 2, 3 and 4 year from the local authority. The Portal also allows childcare providers to use the online directory to market their provision to parents/carers searching for childcare places.
The annual Early Years Census 2025 census date is Thursday 16 January 2025. Providers of free early education in the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sectors, including childminders, are within the scope of the Early Years Census 2025.
Providers of free early education in the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sectors, including childminders must provide the information to Waltham Forest’s Early Years Providers Portal so the Local Authority can complete the return.
As of the normal situation in the provision during the week beginning 13 January 2025, providers must:
Contact: Business Intelligence Team ( for more information about completing the DfE EY Census 2025 Provider Data online establishment form.
The following videos demonstrate how you can use the Provider Portal.
The following videos demonstrate how you can add a record to Provider Portal and amending start and end dates within terms.
The following videos demonstrate how you can check 30 hour eligibility codes and checking a child's date of birth not eligible for funding.
The next two videos demonstrates how you can delete a child's record on provider portal and grace period end for 30 hour eligibility.
The next two videos shows how you can log onto the system and check 2 year olds assessments.
The next two videos demonstrates how to can submit headcounts and update your provider record on the childcare directory.