Young Carers Action Day 2024

The Young Cares Programme is recognising Young Carers Action Day, which this year is focusing on “Fair Futures for Young Carers”  as a way of supporting the day which will be held on Wednesday 13 March 2024, we have arranged a workshop for professionals to help better understand the needs, support and services available for young carers and families in Waltham Forest.

The national awareness day is organised and led by Carers Trust, who encourage as many organisations, communities and individuals as possible to take part in the day by taking action, supporting and raising awareness of young carers.  More information on what you can do in your service can be found at Young Carers Action Day 2024.

We encourage you to display our poster for our virtual event and additional posters about Young Carers Action Day in your setting to help raise awareness and the profile of Young Carers.

If you or your colleagues would like to register to attend the workshop, then please send an email to and the team will register you and send you a link to join the event.

If you have any further questions or queries regarding this event, or the support available for young carers and families in Waltham Forest, then please email the programme team.