Waltham Forest Holiday Activity and Food Programme – Summer 2023

Waltham Forest will be running the Summer Waltham Forest Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Programme from Monday 24 July – Friday 18 August 2023.

The programme provides holiday clubs for children who are in receipt of benefit related free school meals (FSM) across the borough.  

The FSM letter and HAF flyer has been sent out directly to all families with children eligible for FSM, however we would be grateful if you could share the information with your FSM eligible families and encourage them to book and attend the activities taking place. . 

Parents have been provided with an eligibility code via the letter, however if you do not have this please contact wfholidayactivityprogramme@walthamforest.gov.uk with parent details, child name and name of school child attends.

In addition to the eligible families, a small proportion of places will be offered to vulnerable families which can be referred via the schools. If you have families who you would like to refer to the programme, please download and complete the referral form and return to wfholidayactivityprogramme@walthamforest.gov.uk.

Full details of the activities taking place can be found here - www.walthamforest.gov.uk/holidays  or please contact the team via email on wfholidayactivitiyprogramme@Walthamforest.gov.uk if you have any questions or would like to find out more.