Waltham Forest Holiday Activity and Food Programme - School Grant Application – Easter 2023
6 February 2023
The Department for Education (DfE) announced continued funding to enable Local Authorities across England to provide holiday activities and food during school holidays in 2023 and for the next year 2023/24.
The funding conditions of the DfE Holiday Activity Programme requires the provision of enrichment activities alongside a food offer to be made accessible for children who are in receipt of free schools meals (FSM).
In light of this grant funding, London Borough of Waltham Forest is offering schools the opportunity to apply for grants for holiday provision for children in receipt of FSM which look to meet the following objectives:
- Provide access to enrichment activities
- Provide access to a healthy meal which meats school food standards
- Provide nutritional education which improves children’s knowledge and awareness of healthy eating
- Provide information, signposting or referrals to other services and support that would benefit the children and families who attend the holiday provision
Grant funding will be available to provide places for children in receipt of benefit related FSM with a maximum grant for of £25 per day per funded place or £50 per day per funded places within special schools for a minimum of four hours a day for four days during the Winter holiday. Up to 15 per cent of funded places provided can be offered to vulnerable children.
To apply for the funding please complete the Waltham Forest Holiday Activity and Food Programme application form and return to Fern Edwards by Friday 24 February 2023.
If you are having difficulty meeting this deadline and would like to apply for funding, please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss options.
Full details of the grant can be found here.