Tackling crime and safety - Safe Streets

Tackling crime and safety 

Everybody deserves to feel safe in their community, which is why Waltham Forest Council and local police are working together on a new programme called Safe Streets, to make it easier than ever to report incidents, discuss concerns and get advice. 

Over the coming weeks and months we hope you’ll notice our Team Waltham Forest officers out and about in Chingford Mount and South Leytonstone, and we encourage you to say hello, ask questions and pass on any concerns you may have. 

Our teams are doing targeted work in hot-spot areas, but we’re also working to tackle this issue across the borough. Some of this wider work includes Pop-Up Police Stations at libraries and other community venues right across the borough, designed to be a friendly and confidential space for you to drop in at your convenience.

We’ll be mailing your school an information pack, with some helpful materials. We’d really appreciate it if these could be put into any public reception areas. 

You can find more information at www.walthamforest.gov.uk/safestreetswf