Free tour for schools from the UpFront Theatre Company
6 to 24 March 2023
In March, the UpFront Theatre Company will be touring their new PSHE play: Before Anyone Else. Created in response to the #MeToo movement, the play and interactive lecture explores consent, relationships and sexuality. Students are invited to identify positive vs. negative relationships and offer advice on how to end toxic relationships. Recommended for Year 9+.
To celebrate the launch, and thanks to the amazing support that they have received from the Hemraj Goyal Foundation and Arts Council England, they are offering 30 performances of Before Anyone Else for FREE! Priority will be given to schools with +25% FSM.
The Spring tour of Before Anyone Else runs from 6 to 24 March 2023. Find out more.
(Available for morning or afternoon bookings and can be performed to an entire year group. Runs for 90 minutes. Booking includes Preliminary & Post Show Resources outlining topics covered in the play.)
Here are what schools have already said about previous PSHE plays:
“As ever UpFront Theatre were first rate in their approach, hugely engaging, fun but hard-hitting and thought provoking.”
“Outstanding use of factual data, stats and facts…which corrected the stigmas and misconceptions around the issue.”
“Student feedback has been really positive, and they felt some concepts were explored in ways they’d never thought about.”
The Interactive PSHE Workshops & Assemblies are available throughout the year (a full programme can be found here). To find out more about what the Upfront Theatre Company do and to explore how UpFront could enrich your PSHE Programme, please do not hesitate to get in touch.