Consultation on the Early Years Funding Formula 2024-25
4 January 2024
This consultation is for the attention of Governors; Headteachers; Early Years Foundation Stage Leads and School Business Managers in schools. Also, in Private, Voluntary or Independent (PVI) nursery settings: Managing Directors; Chairs of Trustees; Sole Traders; Operational Managers and Finance Officers.
Consultation closes at midnight on Sunday 14 January 2024 - Have your say on how much funding you receive for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds in 2024-25.
The School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations require a local authority to consult its Schools Forum, Schools and Early Years providers about any proposed changes to the factors and criteria taken into account, and the methods, principles and rules adopted in the Early Years Funding Formula (EYFF).
The Early Years Task and Finish Group (EYTFG), made up of nine representatives from a range of Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) providers (Maintained and PVI) as well as up to six local authority officers, has met twice over the last few months to discuss the 2024-25 formula. The group reviewed the current (2023-24) arrangements and made some initial recommendations regarding changes that they would like considered for 2024-25.
This survey is seeking views from all Free Early Education Entitlement providers funded during financial year 2023-24 on the proposals made by the Early Years Task and Finish Group on the 2024-25 Early Years Funding Formula. These proposals were approved by the Early Years Task and Finish Group on 12 December 2023. The results of this consultation will determine the hourly rate paid to schools and PVI sector providers for Free Early Education Places delivered to eligible 2, 3 and 4 year olds from 1st April 2024.
One consultation response will be accepted from each school or Ofsted registered PVI Early Years setting (including Childminders). So please consult with your colleagues before submitting your responses.
You can complete the online consultation here.
Details of the hourly rate that you will receive for your setting as a result of selecting each of the survey responses can be downloaded below.
If you have any questions in relation to the consultation you can attend one of our online consultation questions and answers sessions on Wednesday 10 January 2024 between 10am to 11am or Friday, the 12 January 2024 between 3.30pm to 4pm.
We look forward to receiving your responses.
Download hourly rates for 3 and 4 year olds for 2024-25 based on SENIF top-slice of 5.0% (if you select Option 1 in survey response)
Download hourly rates for 3 and 4 year olds 2024-25 based on SENIF top-slice of 5.25% (if you select Option 2 in survey response)
Download hourly rates in 3 and 4 year olds for 2024-25 based on SENIF top-slice of 5.5% (if you select Option 3 in survey response)