Coming soon: OHID resource for schools on vaping
19 June 2023
The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) is producing a new resource pack for schools on vaping, aimed at Years 7 and 8.
The resources, to be published on the Better Health School Zone in time for the 2023/24 academic year, have been informed by research with teachers and young people.
The activities will feature films made with young people in which they will talk in their own words about the issues around vaping, as well as a clear presentation of the latest evidence.
As with all OHID’s schools material, the resources will be linked to National Curriculum requirements and guidance on delivering PSHE.
The pack will include three flexible bitesize sessions, which can be
- used as a standalone session to meet the learning needs of individual classes
- used together over a few sessions to build and develop deeper understanding around vaping
- used in form time or assemblies.
- embedded in pre-existing lesson content around smoking.
The three topic areas are:
- Vaping: What and Why? – explore what students already know about vaping – and then present the facts, get them thinking about why young people vape, and helping with strategies for saying “no” if pressured by others to start. There will also be signposts to sources of support if young people are worried (e.g. school nurse, Talk to Frank, Childline)
- Vaping: the impacts – in which we explore things like potential health impacts, environmental impacts, financial impacts, etc
- Vaping: nicotine – more of a deep dive on the effects of nicotine including signs of addiction