Cold Weather Alert - Level 2
7 March
Level 2 - Cold Weather Action
There is a 60% probability of severe cold weather between from the period Monday 6 March – Wednesday 8 March.
This weather could increase the health risks to vulnerable patients and disrupt the delivery of services, with this in mind, please refer to the Waltham Forest Cold Weather Plan and latest guidance on staying safe.
This weather could increase the health risks to vulnerable patients and disrupt the delivery of services, with this in mind, please refer to the Waltham Forest Cold Weather Plan and latest guidance on staying safe. View the Waltham Forest Cold Weather Plan
There are a number of actions schools and EY settings can take over the whole Winter period to reduce the risk of staff and pupils experiencing ill-health due to cold weather.
Key actions for schools and EY settings
- Sign up to cold weather alerts from the Met Office (sign up here) so that schools are aware of forecasted severe cold weather
- Be aware of public health messages about how to stay well during cold weather and share these with parents, carers and children. Public health messages are available at:
- Ensure that buildings and classrooms are kept warm (18°C or above)
- Signpost families to support they can receive during the winter months including warm indoor venues across the borough where families can relax and cost of living support available to residents. This is particularly important for children and families that schools may suspect are struggling to heat their home or stay afloat this Winter.
- Discuss with local authority education leads any concerns they have about being able to support staff and students during the cold weather.
Information on how to stay warm and safe can be found here, which includes warm places available to residents Winter Wellness: Stay healthy this winter | London Borough of Waltham Forest
Further information from the Met Office can be found here
The UKHSA Cold Weather Plan can be accessed at the following link:
A range of free resources from the WeatherReady campaign can be downloaded here: