The Big Climate Conversation 2023
21 September 2023
This autumn The Big Climate Conversation is taking place over the whole of November. This year's theme is 'Less Flooding, More Wilding'.
This year the main 'conversation' is two 40 minute lessons which all teachers lead themselves at any time during November; one classroom based including an online survey and one outdoor investigation into permeability and rain run-off.
Students can then apply their new knowledge and findings to borough wide Citizen Climate Science research. There will be differentiated versions for different key stages. The Hive will be running in-person Big Climate Conversations at primary and secondary schools, and colleges for local student eco-committees. You can indicate on the registration form if you would like to take part in one of these.
Free resources for running The Big Climate Conversation in your school or college will be available here from mid October along with other activities, trainings and recommended education schemes taking place linked to COP28.