The HHTS is a service that is funded by the Local Authority to provide education to children and young people who are unable to attend school due to ill-health or pregnancy.
HHTS provides education for compulsory school age children (4-16) who are:
The HHTS team consists of fully qualified and experienced primary and secondary teachers and a Higher Learning Teaching Assistant. Teaching is delivered in the school room, at the bedside or in the child’s home.
Referrals for support from HHTS may be made by:
Prior to a request for support from the HHTS, the pupil’s school should ensure that:
The home school named teacher takes responsibility for:
Please note that, where the pupil being referred is not on roll of a school, the person referring will be the person responsible for liaising with the HHTS designated teacher through the referral and pupil progress review meetings.
Please email the completed referral form and medical evidence from the child’s consultant or other clinical professional which states:
Please email to: