School Business Support is provided to all maintained schools through the Education Business Effectiveness Service (EBE Service) - a non-statutory service within the borough’s Education Directorate. We aim to provide advice, guidance, and training to business professionals within schools, to support best practice and continued professional development to support financial sustainability in maintained schools in Waltham Forest and protect education standards for the children and young people they serve.
It is increasingly important that schools have strong strategic business management and administration to ensure they meet their statutory duties regarding finance, procurement, human resources, health and safety and premises management. Most schools now have School Business Managers (SBMs) who oversee these areas, and others such as infrastructure and marketing.
The Education Business Effectiveness Service provides free support to all maintained schools, including regular WF SBM Network meetings through which we encourage school business professionals to support each other by sharing best practice, supporting schools’ financial management by linking to other council services, provide first line support for finance management software subscriptions and deliver Action Groups to support maintained schools in challenging financial positions, including falling reserves or deficit budgets.
This free support includes:
Waltham Forest School Business Manager Network:
If you are a new School Business Manager and would like to join the WF SBM Network, please email with contact details and we will send an invitation.
Meeting dates 2024-25
SBM Induction
The EBE team ran a SBM Induction session on Thursday 5 December 2024, providing information about a range of council teams, including key functions and contacts. You can find a recording of the session and the slides presented during the session here.
Access Education Budgets:
School subscription to ACCESS Education Budgets software, an online school budgeting tool used by all maintained schools within the borough offering the following benefits:
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm access to a school support helpdesk for SBMs, school leaders and other business administration colleagues as the first point of contact and offering the followings benefits:
One to one dedicated EBE School Support Officer:
Every maintained school in the borough has a dedicated EBE School Support Officer allocated to them as a first point of contact to escalate any unresolved business management queries, offering the following benefits:
Download the EBE School Support Officer contact sheet.
Strategic training and support for Headteachers and Governors
The EBE Team supports Governing Bodies and Headteachers in leading and managing financial stability providing the following support:
Schools Facing Financial Challenge Action Groups:
The EBE Service also manages the Schools Facing Financial Challenge programme which supports maintained schools with falling reserves or deficit budgets. This programme aims to protect the standards of education for all children and young people in Waltham Forest by supporting the school achieve financial stability and viability. This service offers two tiers of support:
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