Dental Health Services

Tooth decay (dental caries) is one of the most common diseases in childhood in the UK. Learn more about dental health services and advice in Waltham Forest.

Children's primary (baby) teeth are more susceptible to decay than permanent (adult) teeth owing to differences in their chemical composition and physical properties.

In Waltham Forest 26% of five year olds have had a decay experience. This is lower than the England average but those children who do experience decay have a more severe experience with an average of 1.16 decayed, extracted or filled teeth compared to an average of 0.94 in England.

Dental health services

  • Delivery of training and promotional workshops to Health Visitors, PVI (Private, Voluntary and Independent) childcare staff, school nurses, welfare officers and foster parents with looked after children under 7 years ( See further information about training on Training and Support for EY practitioners
  • Bi -annual dental checks within Children & Family centra across the borough
  • Supporting parents to register their child with a local dentist and to equip parents/carers with knowledge around good hygiene

Children should see their dentist as soon as they get their first tooth. NHS dental treatment is free for all children under 18.

Useful resources

Last update: Wednesday 1st of July 2020 12:53:01 PM