Upcoming Training and Feedback

Information about the Early Years training offer, feedback from Early Years Practitioners and booking on training.

2024 Training Brochure


Feedback from settings and practitioners really helps the service to develop the offer of Information, advice and support. Find out what practitioners have learnt from our training, guidance and resources.

Early Years training feedback

“I have learnt some really good ideas during the festival that I would bring in practice. The tales tool kit was a brilliant idea that would make a big difference for children with low communication skills. Lavender sensory play was another one that o would love to introduce in our practice”. - Early Years Practitioner for Festival of Creativity in Early Years Conference

“I enjoyed learning some of the science behind 2-year olds brains/behaviours. Building on my knowledge increases my confidence in supporting parents”. - Early Years Practitioner for Building Two-Year-Old Brains Training

“The training gave me the opportunity to get an early, better understanding of the upcoming changes to the EYFS”. - Early Years Practitioner for EYFS Reforms Training

“Really useful to have a breakdown of all the changes and have them explained. I feel much happier with the upcoming changes”. - Childminder for EYFS Reforms Training

“This will enable me to reflect more on the practice at my setting”.- Early Years Practitioner for Trauma informed practice EYFS

“The SENCO Forum provides opportunity to get up to date information on different services”. - Early Years Practitioner

“I have started to use Makaton every day at my setting; with my aim for it to become second nature. I am using it for non-verbal children but am finding the rest of the children are trying to learn it as well so will be encouraging the whole group to use it. I have shared some of my knowledge with parents as well” - Early Years Practitioner for Makaton Training

“I have more confidence and knowledge in how to enhance children's communication and language” - Early Years Practitioner for Supporting Language & Communication Training

“To look at the environment for the two year old in my setting how I can make it better” - Early Years Practitioner for Being Two Project

“Making the most of physical activity outdoors. Allowing children more independence when outdoors” - Early Years Practitioner for Outdoor Play

“Every session I take things away from the training and am slowly making numerous changes in my setting” - Early Years Practitioner for Being Two Project

“Gaining more knowledge about indoor and outdoor environment and how it affects the child’s development in all the areas” - Early Years Practitioner for Nurture & Thrive

“Knowing how to partner with the schools and parents for the best transition” - Early Years Practitioner for Transition to School Training

“Training was good, very good information” - Early Years Practitioner Starting School Together Training

Last update: Monday 10th of June 2024 01:18:37 PM