Upcoming Training and Feedback

Information about the Early Years training offer, feedback from Early Years Practitioners and booking on training.

2023-24 Highlights & Reports

The following documents provide an overview of the activities conducted during the last academic year, outlines future plans, and includes feedback received from delegates.

  1. 2023/24 Tier 3 Highlights
  2. Autumn Term report
  3. Spring Term report 
  4. Summer Term report 

Feedback & Highlights

Feedback from settings and practitioners really helps the service to develop the offer of Information, advice and support. Find out what practitioners have learnt from our training, guidance and resources.

Early Years training feedback

“In this training, I have learned about how to communicate and visualise for special needs children in different ways such as timetable cards, picture cards and questions. I will use the different lanyards in each room”. - Early Years Practitioner for Ordinarily Available Provision Workshop – Communication and Visuals


“Reviewing my environment especially the display boards to ensure there isn’t too many fluorescent boards and use more natural display backing and boarders”. Nursery Manager for Understanding and Supporting Sensory Differences


“Strategies and approaches for children who have strong aversion to smells. Develop our sensory space…...Get big bricks which have different texture”. SENCO for Ordinarily Available Provision Workshop - Multi-sensory learning and sensory spaces 


“Lots of different strategies we can use to help children with sensory differences feel better. It was also surprising to know a bit more about all the senses and how they might impact on them, very helpful to understand our neurodivergent children better“. Room Manager for Understanding and Supporting Sensory Differences


“Understanding that strategies need to be embedded into everyday practice and not secluded for SEND……Great enthusiasm and passion from the trainer, thoroughly enjoyed the training”. Early Years Practitioner for Understanding and Supporting Sensory Differences


“More confident on how to approach emergency situations and different injuries”. Teaching Assistant for Paediatric First Aid


“New SALT procedures, potential support for parents, information on early intervention and early help, new budgeting procedures, family help lead for Leyton”. SENCO for The Early Years SENCO Forum - 'Our Mission Waltham Forest’


“To be more mindful of things in my setting that may over stimulate a child with SEND”. SENCO for Understanding and Supporting Sensory Differences


“I have found the visits and support really effective; I have picked up some great tools with regards to the environment, communication and language and supporting interactions. …. I can see a change in the nursery”. Nursery Manager for Team Around Setting (TAS) Support


“The support I received was valuable and appreciated.  Aside from the practical guidance and various links and recommendations that you shared, the moral support was invaluable…. we have benefitted greatly from it and obtained a Good Ofsted rating as a result”. Nursery Manager for The Cyclical Check In Visit Support

Last update: Monday 27th of January 2025 02:47:39 PM