Good supervision can give staff an opportunity to reflect on their practice, explore any worries or concerns about the welfare of children in the setting and contribute towards developing confident and competent staff groups.
All of these are known to be important in establishing safe organisations where children are safeguarded from harm.
Supervision is a legal requirement – in the revised EYFS Statutory Framework (March 2017) supervision of staff becomes a 'must' rather than the 'should' as it was previously in EYFS (2012).
(Ofsted Evaluation Schedule 4) - The effectiveness of leadership and management of the early year's provision:-
When evaluating the quality of leadership and management, inspectors must consider the extent to which providers: have effective systems for supervision, performance management and the continuous professional development of staff which have a positive impact on teaching and children's learning and development.
You can download more information around supervision in early years below, including a toolkit and template to help manager and leaders with supervision staff.