Leadership and Management

Effective Leadership in early years is an ongoing progress that supervision, reviews and effective communication can help improve.

8 Categories of Effective Leadership Practice

Iram Siraj-Blatchford and Laura Manni (2007) have identified that there are eight categories of 'effective leadership practice'. They are as follows:

  1. Identifying and articulating a collective vision
  2. Ensuring shared understanding, meanings and goals
  3. Effective communication
  4. Encouraging reflection
  5. Monitoring and assessing practice
  6. Commitment to ongoing, professional development
  7. Distributed leadership
  8. Building a learning community and team culture

(Institute of Education, 2007)

To further explore the development of effective leadership and management practice download Jane Cook's book 'Leadership and Management in the Early Years: A practical guide to building confident leadership skills'

Early Years Pupil Premium

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) practice has covered a number of interventions based on what practitioners have identified to be the areas of greatest need. As part of this research has shown that there is an overarching need for quality for any of these interventions to be truly effective.

To support settings in implementing the EYPP we have developed a useful 'Audit Tool', which can be used alongside the 'Provision Map', a reflective tool to review your provision in terms of access and the use of funding. 

For further information follow the links below:

ICT in the Early Years

There are a number of ways ICT can support development in the early years. The Homerton Children's Centre have a range of ideas and advice including how you can plan for ICT so that it underpins each principle of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

School Website Information

Every maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012. Academies and free schools should refer to their funding agreements to find out what information should be published on their websites.

Websites must be updated as soon as possible after a change and at least annually. Governing bodies are free to delegate approval of this information to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.

Leadership of Two Year Olds

This report on leadership for two year olds was commissioned to look at how two year olds can be assured of receiving consistently high quality care experiences and is intended to inform those responsible for policy decisions at central and local level as well as those leading services and practice.

It is recognised that effective leadership is vital to the success of early years settings. Without skilled and committed leaders to help shape teaching and learning, the opportunity to create and sustain high-quality learning environments is minimal. Research also shows that leadership is second only to teaching as an influence on learning, and that the quality and practice of leadership is linked in a consistent and demonstrable way to improved children's outcomes

Last update: Monday 17th of February 2025 02:45:50 PM