2. My Referral

Most children identified as having special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) will have their needs met within the SEN support available in all settings.

Education Settings can make a referral for an Education, Health and Care assessment if children have significant and complex needs that cannot be supported through the funding already available. The funding available is £6,000 in schools budgets and up to £8,000 through the additional funding available from the Local Authority (refer to Step 1).

What is an EHC plan?

An EHC plan is a legal document. It covers birth to 25 years (if a young person stays in education) and it is a holistic plan that covers education, health and social care support. EHC Plans are aspirational and outcomes focussed.

The EHC plan replaces the statement of special educational needs and, in college or further education, a Learning Disabilities Assessment (LDA).

Who can ask for an assessment for an EHC plan?

  • Schools or early years settings
  • A health professional or other professional involved
  • A parent, carer, or foster parent
  • A young person aged 16 or over and still in education

When is it appropriate to ask for an assessment for an EHC plan?

EHC assessments are for children/young people with long-term significant special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND) that affect their everyday life. They require multi-agency support from different agencies e.g. education, health and care or a combination of at least two of these agencies.

Schools and settings need to follow the graduated approach, assess, plan, do and review. They need to implement support through the SEN Support Plan using their resources (£6,000) and they can also apply for additional funding through the Local Authority if the child or young person requires a higher level of support but does not have the significant level of need for an EHC assessment.

If a child or young person has been identified as having a high level of need which requires a multi-agency response, settings may consider making a referral for an EHC assessment to the Local Authority SEN Team.

Schools/settings should contact the SEN Team for advice when considering making a referral so that a quality discussion can take place around how realistic the request is and to go through the evidence required and the eligibility criteria.

Should I make a referral?

  1. Phone the SEN Officer and discuss the child. Check your provision map calculations to ensure they are correct.
  2. If the discussion agrees that a referral is necessary prepare your evident for the meeting and invite family and professionals. 
  3. Meeting held where there is a quality conversation using the agenda as a guide to decide if a non-statutory support plan or EHC assessment is required. If the outcome is undecided the SEN Officer will take the case to the SEND Multi-agency panel for recommendation. 

In considering whether an EHC assessment is necessary, the local authority should consider whether there is evidence that despite the school/setting having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the special educational needs of the pupil, they have not made expected progress.

To inform their decision the local authority will need to take into account a wide range of evidence, and should pay particular attention to what is required.

Evidence Required

  1. evidence of the child or young person’s academic attainment (or developmental milestones in younger children) and rate of progress (progress through school/setting data);
  2. information about the nature, extent and context of the child or young person’s SEN (including the Early Help Assessment (EHA), formerly known as the CAF, and any assessments from external professionals);
  3. evidence of the action already being taken by the early years provider, school or post-16 institution to meet the child or young person’s SEN (Provision map);
  4. evidence that where progress has been made, it has only been as the result of additional intervention and support that is over and above what is usually provided (£6,000);
  5. evidence of the child or young person’s physical, emotional and social development and health needs, drawing on relevant evidence from clinicians and other health professionals and what has been done to meet these by other agencies.

For more detailed information please read the Guidance on making a referral.

Last update: Tuesday 5th of May 2020 09:26:28 AM