The safeguarding self-assessment audit for 2021 builds on the Ofsted requirements in relation to responding to Harmful Sexual Behaviour in each school. We anticipate that as you use the tool to evaluate the effectiveness of your school’s safeguarding arrangements it will enable you to evidence the impact of your work on the lives of the children and young people in your school.
Safeguarding in Education (SIE) is keen to secure a 100% return by Monday 5 July 2021. Please do not delay completing and submitting the audit because your governing body might not be meeting during this period. SIE monitors the response of all schools and will analyse responses at school level. Schools which are part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) are asked to complete an audit for each school within the MAT. We cannot accept a submission covering all schools within a MAT.
All schools are requested to complete this audit, including encouraging staff and students to complete their part of the audit. The intention of the audit tool is to provide information to SIE, but we believe it can also be a helpful management tool for the school as it can be used:
We would like to thank school leaders for their positive engagement and support in providing a comprehensive overview of how safe our children are in school.
The DSL will need to take responsibility for completing the audit and facilitating time for staff and students to complete the surveys. The DSL should complete the form titled Harmful Sexual Behaviour and Trauma Informed Practice Audit. Staff should complete the form titled staff survey (2020- 2021). Secondary aged students should complete the form titled Survey for students (Years 7-13).
Primary aged and SEN students should be supported in group or classroom settings to engage in conversations outlined in the document called primary and SEN discussions. We acknowledge that it may be difficult for younger children and those with SEN to complete, therefore this can be determined on a case by case basis, as appropriate.
As stated above, this audit needs to be returned by Monday 5 July 2021. All forms completed electronically will be received once you have entered and completed. Please return any word documents to