Early Career Teachers (ECTs)

There are a number or resources that Early Career Teachers (ECTs) and school leaders should be aware of, including the induction process. 

Statutory Guidance

There are a number or resources that Early Career Teachers and school leaders should be aware of, including:

  • The induction process for Early Career Teachers (ECTs) is underpinned by the Early Career Framework (ECF). School leaders and those involved in managing statutory induction arrangements must have regard to the DfE statutory guidance.
  • The Teachers' Standards apply to all teachers completing their statutory induction period.

Key Documents


Local contact

Waltham Forest Council has a dedicated ECT Coordinator who will provide support and guidance on the induction process. In addition to producing a wide range of local guidance documents/templates to help schools meet their statutory responsibilities with regards to the induction of ECTs. If you have questions, please contact Sylvia Harper, ECT Coordinator via email or mobile: 07771 606 897

Changes from 1 September 2023

In Waltham Forest, North-East London Teaching School Hub (NELTSH) is responsible for delivering the ECF training, partnered with UCL. 

From 1 September 2023, NELTSH will have overall responsibility for the Appropriate Body role for new ECTs, they have opted to work with Waltham Forest LA to support the delivery of ECT induction across our schools in the borough. 

The new NELTSH arrangements will apply:

  • Schools will continue to work with Sylvia Harper, ECT Coordinator on the day-to-day induction arrangements, with continued support to schools with enquiries, issues/meetings with ECTs, approval of Action Plans, requests for induction extensions and reductions, also school visits, etc.
  • NELTSH will have ultimate responsibility for the whole AB process.  NELTSH will be responsible for the final approval of extension and reduction requests, quality assurance of Progress Reviews and Assessment Reports,  quality assurance of Core and School Based ECF programmes and will be responsible for the final endorsement for an ECT to pass or fail induction. Appropriate Body Services - The North East London Teaching School Hub (neltsh.com) 

ECF Training Programme 

There are three approaches to enable the delivery of an Early Careers Framework (EFC) based induction. Schools can choose:

  • a funded provider-led programme
  • to deliver their own training using DfE-accredited materials and resources
  • to design and deliver their own ECF-based induction

State-funded schools can choose to work with one of 6 providers accredited by DfE. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘full induction programme’.


Best Practice


Education Development Trust

Teach First

UCL Institute of Education

ECF Core Induction Programme Suppliers

The Department for Education has selected four expert teacher training providers who have each developed their own core induction programme based on the ECF:

Some schools may choose to design and deliver their own two-year induction programme, including materials and training, for early career teachers and their mentors based on the ECF.

ECT Manager is Waltham Forest AB online ECT support and induction management system. It allows schools to register ECTs and submit their electronic reports securely online. From 1 September 2023, schools will have access to two ECT Manager portals. If schools are currently using the system, continue to use the original login for ECTs remaining on Waltham Forest portal up until 31st August 2024use the same login to access NELTSH ECT Manager portal to register new ECTs and submit reports. For further information or to enquire about the new arrangements, registrations, please email NELTSH on: ab@neltsh.com

The few remaining ECTs who have not passed induction by 31st August 2024 with Waltham Forest LA AB, will be transferred to the NELTSH ECT Manager profile for the remainder of their induction.

Induction for Mentors 

Step by step instructions on Induction for Mentors.

Last update: Wednesday 26th of February 2025 09:50:44 AM