This page provides guidance and information regarding the arrangements for statutory assessment in both key stage 1 (KS1) and key stage 2 (KS2). You will also find details of the local authority’s monitoring and moderation processes and procedures at KS1/KS2 as well as links to relevant documentation from the Standards and Testing Agency.
In the academic year 2023 - 2024 The London Borough of Waltham Forest has commissioned Laura Bailey, from Pobble Education Ltd to support the delivery of the local authority’s statutory role and responsibilities associated with statutory assessment in Key Stage 1 and 2. The KS2 Moderation Manager will retain the post, building further upon the successful moderation delivery from last academic year. Monitoring visits will continue to be led by School Improvement Partners.
We encourage schools to sign up for STA assessment updates and to join the local authority’s assessment leader networks, which are free to access for all schools for whom Waltham Forest is your statutory assessment provider.
There is now no statutory requirement to carry out the of key stage 1 (KS1) teacher assessment. However, the STA is continuing to develop and supply materials for the optional end of KS1 tests. The end of KS1 teacher assessment frameworks are also still available for use, to support teachers in making crucial end of key stage assessment judgements. The Government encourages schools to administer the optional tests and teacher assessments, but there is no requirement to use these or report results to parents or the local authority, and they will not be used for school accountability purposes.
External Key Stage 1 moderation is no longer statutory. Administration of the Phonics Screening Check remains statutory.
External Key Stage 2 moderation remains statutory in 2023 - 2024. It gives confidence that schools’ Teacher Assessment judgements are accurate and consistent with national standards, as specified in each Teacher Assessment Frameworks (TAF) and exemplification materials. It also ensures the system is fair to all pupils.
External moderation is conducted by local authorities on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education. Local authorities are required to externally moderate at least 25% of schools every year at the end of Key Stage 2. Schools selected for Key Stage 2 moderation have a sample of their English writing outcomes moderated. This is to validate judgements and ensure they are consistent with national standards.
External moderation is a collaborative process between the local authority’s moderators and the school. It offers the opportunity to discuss judgements on pupils’ performance against the requirements of the Teacher Assessment frameworks.
Statutory moderation processes and protocols reflect the statutory guidance outlined within the Assessment and Reporting Arrangements and Teacher Assessment Guidance documents for each key stage. Schools must familiarise themselves with all key documents published by the Standards and Testing Agency.
Maintained schools and academies have a statutory obligation to administer the multiplication check to eligible pupils.
Maintained schools and academies have a statutory obligation to administer the KS2 assessments to eligible pupils, following the published test administration guidance. Independent schools can administer the KS2 tests provided they have a written agreement in place with their chosen local have a written agreement in place with their chosen local authority for monitoring their end of KS2 tests (and moderating their KS2 English writing TA if relevant).
All schools have the opportunity to attend the local agreement consultation meeting in January 2024. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to explore together the local authority’s moderation delivery model for June 2024 and aspects that should be considered as part of a local agreement.
The discussion will include, although not necessarily be limited to, the following:
Stakeholders include anyone associated with the statutory moderation process and therefore include, although not limited to: Headteachers, year 6 teachers, assessment leads, those who have previously been moderators.
Local agreement meeting 23 January 2024, 3.45pm (online) - sign up here
Laura Bailey, moderation manager, is offering schools a range of training opportunities to ensure teachers and leaders are confident in administering all of their statutory assessment duties. Training can be booked here.
In addition to training sessions schools can access cross school writing moderation sessions, facilitated by Laura, to help strengthen teacher assessment judgements should they wish.
This year Laura Bailey is working with Pobble Education and this means that schools will benefit from free access to Pobble’s online moderation tool. This collaborative tool helps to improve accuracy and consistency in writing assessment judgements. Teachers can create, share and discuss moderation files with others quickly and easily, regardless of their location. Teachers can access ready-made writing samples for all year groups, as well as being able to create their own exemplars for their school / MAT.
The online tool will be used to share writing files with delegates during training but is otherwise optional for schools to use.
Access will be provided to maintained schools in October and academies on/after 20 October 2023 once their written agreement has been put in place with the local authority.
Local authorities have a statutory duty to make monitoring visits to at least 10% of maintained schools that are administering the phonics screening check. Local authorities are also expected to monitor at least 10% of academies and free schools that have selected the local authority for monitoring. Independent Schools can’t formally administer the phonics screening check and therefore would not receive a phonics monitoring visit.
Local authorities also have a statutory duty to make monitoring visits to at least 10% of maintained schools that are administering the KS2 SATs. Local authorities are also expected to monitor at least 10% of academies, free schools and Independent Schools that have selected the local authority for monitoring.
There are no local authority monitoring visits for the multiplication tables check.
Both Phonics and SATs monitoring visits are unannounced and can take place before, during and after the check / test delivery windows. Depending on the size of the school these visits might involve more than one local authority representative. These visits will be carried out by School Improvement Partners.
Local authority representatives will look for evidence that the school is following the published guidance on:
If schools receive a monitoring visit, they must allow visitors to:
Below is a summary of some of the key dates related to statutory assessment activities for maintained schools and academies. However, schools must see the full STA documentation for all dates related to statutory assessment activities.
KS2 Moderation Manager - Laura Bailey
If you have any questions you wish to discuss with the KS2 moderation manager please book in a call.