EYFS Profile and Moderation

There is no external moderation of the EYFS profile. The EYFS Handbook states ‘Moderation of EYFS profile assessments should be a collaborative process with colleagues. This supports the quality assurance of teacher assessment judgements and provides a valuable opportunity for professional development.’

Schools must share their EYFS profile data with the local authority. More information

Local authorities and early years education providers and education professionals with responsibility for assessing, reporting or moderating the early years foundation stage (EYFS) profile should use the EYFSP handbook.

The handbook gives guidance to help professionals complete and moderate EYFS profile judgements, so outcomes are accurate and consistent across all early years settings.

All of the necessary documents needed to complete and moderate EYFS profile judgements can be downloaded on the links below: 

What EYFS Profile is used for

  1. Inform parents about their child's development against Early Learning Goals (ELGs) and the Characteristics of their Learning.
  2. Support a smooth transition to Key Stage 1 by informing the professional dialogue between EYFS and KS1 teachers.
  3. Help Year 1 teachers plan an effective, responsive and appropriate curriculum that will meet the needs of all children.


Submission of Data

Local authorities collect and report the results for all funded children at the end of the early years foundation stage in both maintained schools (including academies) and private, voluntary, and independent settings (PVIs). 

Results for children in private, voluntary, and independent settings (PVIs) are only required where the child is receiving early years education that is funded by the Department for Education (DfE). 

The children still eligible for funding in private, voluntary, and independent settings (PVIs) will be born between 1 April 2020 and 31 August 2020.

The statutory collection does not require data to be submitted for unfunded children.

EYFS Profile data should be submitted to the local authority's Business Intelligence Team by 30 June 2025.

  • PVIs must complete and submit the 2025 Department for Education (DfE) spreadsheet (TBC) using the DfE guidance (TBC).                                  
  • Local authority guidance is TBC to provide general information about the statutory return, and steps to follow to submit the return securely to the local authority via Mimecast. 
  • The DfE Early years foundation stage profile: 2025 handbook helps teachers and other early years practitioners to complete the EYFS profile assessment in line with the statutory requirements in the EYFS framework.
  • The EYFS Profile must be completed for all children registered, unless: 
  • An exemption has been granted for the setting (reserved for independent schools or schools with established principles in conflict with the EYFS). 
  • An exemption has been granted for an individual child (reserved only for cases where a child’s family has religious or philosophical beliefs that contradict the EYFS).
  • The child is continuing in EYFS provision beyond the year in which they turn five. In these exceptional cases, assessment should continue throughout the child’s time within EYFS provision and the Profile should be completed once only, at the end of the year before the child moves into year 1. The setting should discuss their intention to defer the child’s statutory assessment with the local authority (earlyyears@walthamforest.gov.uk). This will ensure the child’s data is not considered missing when the provider submits EYFSP outcomes for the current cohort.

If an exemption is granted for an individual child, then this should be recorded as ‘A’ for every ELG which they have an exemption. 

Further information about exemptions is at Exemptions from the EYFS for providers and individual children - GOV.UK

Contact edu.performance@walthamforest.gov.uk for further information.


Headteachers and Managers Responsibilities

Headteachers and Managers must:

  • ensure an EYFS profile is completed for all eligible children and data is quality assured 
  • ensure provision is made to meet the requirements of all children with special educational needs
  • take responsibility for the reliability of their EYFS profile outcomes and ensure that the data accurately reflects the level of development of the current cohort of children
  • ensure EYFS profile data is returned to their LA in accordance with the table in section 4.2
  • provide EYFS profile assessments to their school’s governing body to enable it to comply with national data submission requirements and report to parents
  • ensure the statutory requirements for the transfer of records between providers are fulfilled, including the completion of the common transfer file (CTF) 

Headteachers must ensure parents are provided with a written report of the child’s development against the ELGs and have the opportunity to discuss the EYFS profile.   

Guidance to Develop Accurate Judgements

When finalising judgements for the EYFSP, practitioners must draw upon evidence that is predominantly from activities initiated by the pupil, as well as behaviour that children demonstrate consistently, independently and in a range of situations.

Evidence is collected as an ongoing process through:

  • the practitioner's knowledge of the child
  • the child's view of his or her own learning
  • information from a range of contributors, parents/carers and other significant adults
  • any material or representations from the child
  • a collection of anecdotal and significant moments
  • observations.

Practitioners must assess all early learning goals. The DfE’s exemplification materials are to support teachers in assessing children’s development at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Vodcast for schools and multi academy trusts explaining changes

This will ensure judgements are reliable and valid and in line with national standards.

Practitioners should judge whether the description in the ELG 'best fits' the child's learning and development, and refer to the Profile exemplification materials for the 'expected' level of attainment.

Children are judged as either:

  • meeting the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS (expected);


  • not yet reaching this level (emerging)

EYFSP Moderation

Moderation of EYFS profile assessments should be a collaborative process with colleagues. This supports the quality assurance of teacher assessment judgements and provides a valuable opportunity for professional development. Schools may wish to work together so that teachers can share experiences and develop their assessment skills.


EYFSP Headlines 2022 to 2023

From a cohort of 3,347 pupils being assessed in Waltham Forest using the early years foundation stage profile, 74.4 per cent are achieving a good level of development (GLD), a total of 2,490 pupils.

EYFSP good level of development has increased by 1.7 per cent from 72.7 per cent in 2021/22 to 74.4 per cent in 2022/23.  This is equivalent to approximately 57 more pupils achieving a good level of development in 2022/23 compared to 2021/22. The National average increased by 2.0 per cent, from 65.2 per cent in 2021/22 to 67.2 per cent in 2022/23.  74.4 per cent is 7.2 per cent higher than the NCER National average of 67.2 per cent. This is the equivalent of 241 more pupils in Waltham Forest achieving a good level of development compared to the NCER National average. 

Waltham Forest GLD has been above the National average two times in the last two academic year(s) with a GLD average of 73.5 per cent. 

Get in touch

For more information and questions get in touch with Early Years Training.

Last update: Thursday 9th of January 2025 10:42:13 AM