Key dates in July 2024

Key events and national days aimed at education professionals in Waltham Forest.

Wednesday 17 July | Fellowship Square

Mission Waltham Forest Partners workshop

10am to 11.30am

Mission Waltham Forest is the start of a plan by the Council for a more equal borough by 2030. Partners’ input on how to shape and drive this is essential for steering its direction and delivery. Six borough Missions have been designed to reflect our collective dedication and work to put residents at the heart of everything we do and our ambitions for equality and opportunity for everyone. Each Mission is intended to act as a challenge to us as strategic partners in tackling the fundamental challenges facing our residents and driving change

A series of workshops (in person and virtual) are being convened to explore how we can redefine our ways of working to ensure we have the capacity to focus on the right things and the right people. The aim is to create a space for us as multi-agency partners to determine how a missions-based approach can be delivered and what we can do differently, to make better use of our time, attention and resources in a way that best serves our residents, building on our existing work and collaboration. 

Tuesday 30 July | Online via Teams

Mission Waltham Forest Partner Workshop

1.30pm to 3pm

Mission Waltham Forest is the start of a plan by the Council for a more equal borough by 2030. Partners’ input on how to shape and drive this is essential for steering its direction and delivery. Six borough Missions have been designed to reflect our collective dedication and work to put residents at the heart of everything we do and our ambitions for equality and opportunity for everyone. Each Mission is intended to act as a challenge to us as strategic partners in tackling the fundamental challenges facing our residents and driving change

A series of workshops (in person and virtual) are being convened to explore how we can redefine our ways of working to ensure we have the capacity to focus on the right things and the right people. The aim is to create a space for us as multi-agency partners to determine how a missions-based approach can be delivered and what we can do differently, to make better use of our time, attention and resources in a way that best serves our residents, building on our existing work and collaboration.