
The Education Business Effectiveness Service pays for all maintained schools to have a subscription to FundEd, this subscription provides schools with the following:

  • FundEd Magazine: a 60-page glossy publication sent once a term 
  • PTA+ Magazine: sent each term and packed with day-to-day fundraising ideas
  • Grants database: featuring over £12m-worth of grants specifically aimed at schools 
  • Grant funding advice: how to identify appropriate funding pots and write successful bids 
  • Partnerships advice: how to identify potential business partners and form a request for support
  • Crowdfunding advice: expert guidance to help schools run a successful campaign 
  • Funding alerts: half-termly email newsletters featuring grants, seasonal ideas, etc. Knowledge bank: step-by-step guides, templates and more... 
  • Supplier research: helping schools to source suppliers for projects  

To access the support available for anything to do with income generation and fundraising solutions please contact FundEd via Phone: 01342 718 679 or Email:

Please note: All Head teachers and School Business Managers of maintained schools have been sent the log in details for FundEd, however if you have any issues please contact the Education Business Service email: 

Last update: Thursday 7th of September 2023 12:39:07 PM