Cyber security in school

Schools have the same level of risk regarding cyber security as any other organisation, schools should view this guidance alongside their duties to data protection and e-safety.

Schools should ensure that they have access controls in place:

  • Mobile phones - can access the internet and so you must have a policy on phone use in school which covers staff, visitors and students
  • Controlled access to files - both on the school network and files on the Cloud. Ensure that there is an audit trail of who accessed what information and from where
  • Cloud storage - where a school is using low cost Cloud storage make sure that it is set up as a school storage area as major suppliers provide security appropriate for a school. DO NOT use personal cloud storage spaces


In November 2018, the DfE published draft non-statutory guidance on Cybersecurity & safeguarding for schools


Last update: Wednesday 20th of May 2020 03:43:46 PM