Ofsted Registered Childminders Core Offer

Waltham Forest offer Ofsted registered childminders a core offer of support.

The main elements of the core offer to childminders are:

For any further queries, please contact earlyyears@walthamforest.gov.uk

Seek opportunities to show you care. The smallest gestures often make the biggest difference
― John Wooden, American basketball coach

Key Elements:

Active Engagement Plan (AEP) meeting

An Active Engagement Plan (AEP) meeting will be with your Development Officer and will take place where you care for children and when you have children present. The meeting will look at all aspects of your provision, including your interactions with children, a planned activity observation and paperwork. You will receive a detailed plan highlighting strengths and areas to consider for development. The plan aims to serve as a self-empowering, working tool to support your continuous progress. 

Face-to-Face Appointments

These appointments will be with your named Development officer and will last around half an hour. They offer additional, targeted support to improve specific aspects of your childminding practice.


These occur weekly (term time only) at three venues across the Borough.  Here you have the opportunity to network with other childminders and share good practice or solutions to everyday issues. You'll be able to meet with other professionals and have the chance to get answers to quick questions from Development Officers. 


Team Around the Setting (TAS)

For Childminders judged less than good, including Not Met, there will be a team around the setting meeting.  This takes place shortly after the Ofsted report is published and is a supportive visit by the Development Officer and the Childminding Team Leader. This support is to address Ofsted actions and recommendations and a written Focus Improvement Plan (FIP) will be agreed. This is followed up three months later to ensure progress is being made and to provide further support.

Additional Information and Local Services:

All Talk Project

Best Start in Life 

Chit Chat Patter 

EYFS Must audit

Intergenerational Groups 

SEND Passport 

SENIF (Special Educational Needs Inclusion Fund) 

Quality Provision 

Last update: Wednesday 14th of February 2024 10:17:18 AM