The London Borough of Waltham Forest aims to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2025 as part of a national target. Schools will need to play a big part in reaching this target.
Energy efficiency (i.e. how effectively we use electricity and gas) is very important since energy use in school buildings accounts for almost 60% of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in council owned buildings, which are driving climate change.
Sustainable buildings are generally beneficial and also serve good educational value for showing young people how things can be done in a sustainable way. Reducing energy waste is the most cost-effective way to save money; reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.
There are many ways to reduce energy bills in existing school buildings. Energy efficiency measures which can be fitted include:
More information and documents regarding energy saving recommendations including the Schools Energy Efficiency Guide can be accessed (by logged-in users) at the bottom of the page.
The Carbon Trust is a government-funded independent company that was launched in 2002 to help the implementation of energy efficiency in the business and public sectors as well as to encourage the development of a low-carbon sector in the UK.
For more information regarding the Schools Energy Efficiency and Management Subscription Services, please contact Nimish Shah, Energy Manager:
Telephone: 020 8496 6953