A multi-agency audit for safeguarding adolescents in 2019 found that there was a general lack of information sharing with school nursing, with them not being invited to strategy meetings and/or not receiving the latest case updates. This page gives information on school nurses.
School nurses are registered nurses who have also gained additional experience, training and qualifications to become specialist community public health nurses (SCPHN - SN). Their additional training in public health helps them to support children and young people in making healthy lifestyle choices; enabling them to reach their optimum potential and enjoy life.
School nurses deliver regular drop in sessions at school where they offer health advice and health promotion on a one to one basis or group work, first level emotional well-being support (all school nurses in Waltham Forest are being trained in Mental Health First Aid). They will undertake assessments in line with the assessment framework and plan care for Health support/intervention, and this may necessitate ongoing referrals for more targeted health intervention, e.g. CAMHs, or Wood St (CDT-Speech, audiology, physio etc).
School nurses work closely with the SENCo in ensuring children with additional health needs and are supported in school by facilitating healthcare plans in school. Their aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people from five to nineteen and work very closely with the local authority. School nurses are case holders of safeguarding families designated by the schools that they are allocated to. In managing safeguarding cases/providing support, this may include one to one support within the school setting e.g. contact to discuss general well-being-referral and follow up to varying agencies.
School Nurses can also provide sexual health advice and guidance, c-card etc, and in 2020 (once training completed) will also be able to undertake pregnancy testing and chlamydia screening.
School nurses offer support and advice to parents, children and school staff that require their input when completing health care plans. This will be via liaison with Clinical Specialist teams prior to the care plan meeting to ensure treatment plans are up to date.
School nurses work and support the school health team; coordinating and completing the National Child measurement programme (NCMP) for all reception and year six children as well as vision and hearing screening. In Waltham Forest we also have Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) nurses who work closely with the very vulnerable children and young people attending pupil referral units and not accessing mainstream education. They also provide drop in services at colleges in Waltham Forest.
For any queries relating to school nurses, you can contact the single point of access on 0300 300 1970, alternatively email nem-tr.0-19universaldutywf@nhs.net