Key dates in March 2025

Key events and national days aimed at education professionals in Waltham Forest.

Tuesday 11 March | 2.30pm to 4.15pm

Community of Practice: Safeguarding Residents training

In person training for volunteers and staff at Walthamstow Library. (Tea and coffee provided). 

Wednesday 12 March | 2pm to 4pm

Waltham Forest Safeguarding Children Board (WFSCB)

Local authorities have a statutory duty, defined under Section 14 of the Children Act 2004, to have a local Safeguarding Children Board, which follows guidance from Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.

The two purposes of the WFSCB are to:

  • Oversee the multi agency child safeguarding arrangements across Waltham Forest.
  • Carry out statutory function in Waltham Forest, ensuring the effectiveness of local agencies that provide services for children.

Responsibilities of representatives

  • The representatives of the WFSCB hold statutory partners to account for the work they undertake to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in Waltham Forest.
  • Headteacher representatives on the Waltham Forest Safeguarding Children Board (WFSCB), and its subgroups, provide professional challenge and ensure voices of children are heard.

Thursday 13 March | 4.30pm to 5.30pm

Neurodiversity (All parents)

Waltham Forest Mental Health Support Team webinars

Waltham Forest Mental Health Team present to you webinar dates for 2025. These webinars cover a range of topics around mental health and wellbeing. They are accessible to all residents of Waltham Forest.  

Please download the poster to share with the families you work with.  

Tuesday 18 March | 10am to 12pm

Managing allegations made against people who work with children (LADO)

This training session is for all those working/volunteering with children in Waltham Forest and will be delivered by Caroline Coyston and Susannah Bennett, LADO and Safeguarding in Education.

Wednesday 19 March | 3.30pm-5.30pm

Safeguarding in Settings

Works to build on, and maintain, the quality and effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements in the education, community, voluntary and faith sectors to help improve safeguarding outcomes for all children.

Thursday 20 May | 3.30pm to 4.30pm

Strength in Difference: The Importance of Neuro-inclusion

This free webinar aims to raise awareness of neurodiversity for professionals supporting young people, with neurodivergent speaker and expert J. Grange outlining his experience. The attendees will learn more about neurodiversity, the strengths and challenges of neurodivergence, the power of thinking differently and how we can create a neuro-inclusive society.

Outcomes: To be neuro-inclusive, with better understanding of neurodiversity and to understand how to support neurodivergent individuals. 

Monday 24 March | 10am to 12pm

Cultural competence for safeguarding professionals

Develop understanding of cultural competence and increase self-awareness of cultural values and beliefs on family dynamics.


Monday 24 March | 1pm to 3pm

Tackling racism and inequalities in safeguarding children and young people

Explore how discrimination, prejudice, and oppression create inequalities and impact children and young people.

Thursday 27 March | 4.30pm to 5.30pm

Neurodiversity (All support staff and teachers)

Waltham Forest Mental Health Support Team webinars

Waltham Forest Mental Health Team present to you webinar dates for 2025. These webinars cover a range of topics around mental health and wellbeing. They are accessible to all residents of Waltham Forest.  

Please download the poster to register for the webinar. 

Thursday 27 March | 2pm to 4pm

Collaborating across borough: Best practice for information-sharing

This event will be led by Afshan Rasheed, Urgent Response Coordinator - Serious Youth Violence and Exploitation LBWF & DS Joshua Palmer, North East BCU Child Exploitation Unit. It is open to all those working/volunteering with children in Waltham Forest. 

This awareness raising session will focus on information sharing. Information sharing is essential for identifying patterns of behaviour, or circumstances in a child’s life that may indicate they need some form of support or protection. Children and young people vulnerable and at risk of extra familial harm can often move across boroughs and counties. This training session will focus on information sharing and importance of cross borough information sharing. The session is open to anyone who works with children and young people.

The session aims to support practitioners in understanding and being confident to share information for the purposes of safeguarding, with the focus on cross borough information sharing. The session will also focus on how to effectively complete an 87A to request for an exploitation strategy meeting.

Friday 28 March | 9.30am to 10.30am

Overview of hidden harm and harmful traditional practices

An hour’s taster session giving a top-level awareness overview of hidden harm and harmful traditional practices.

Friday 28 March | 1pm to 2.30pm

How to support young people with anxiety and eating difficulties

Join one of our KoothTalks sessions to learn more about supporting young people with anxiety and eating difficulties.

Monday 31 March | 9.30am to 10.30am

Incels - A deep dive into extreme misogyny

As incel ideology becomes more mainstream, we must understand its impacts on young people’s mental health and safety.