Local Authorities have a statutory duty to have a protocol that sits outside the normal admissions process, to ensure that children without school places are found and offered a place as soon as possible. The statutory guidance is issued by law and applies to maintained, academy, free and independent schools.
The role of the Fair Access Panel (FAP) is to agree a Fair Access Protocol, oversee the process and ensure that the amount of time any child, especially the most vulnerable, is out of school is kept to a minimum. Local Authorities are expected to work in partnership with all schools in their area to agree the Fair Access Protocol.
In Waltham Forest there is both a primary and secondary Fair Access Panel.
Current representatives for your sector
Every three weeks in term time for 2-3 hours.
The Department of Education (DfE) provides an outline of the expectations of the Local Authorities and schools to ensure that the agreed process operates effectively. Further information can be found on Gov.uk