Destination Data Collection deadlines

This page is for careers leaders and data managers in secondary schools and colleges. 

Local authority responsibilities

The 16-17 Participation Service is responsible for reporting to the Department of Education (DfE) National Client Caseload Management Information System (NCCIS) with regards to Raising the Participation Age (RPA) data.   The RPA relates to the requirement for all young people in England to continue in education, employment, or training until their 18th birthday.

The service reports on year 11 cohort data, young people who receive an offer under the September Guarantee, the Activity (destination) Survey of young people who complete compulsory education, and every month the rates of young people who are participating, those who are not in education, employment and training (NEET), young people whose destinations are unknown, and combined NEET/not known.

School or college responsibilities

Duty to Provide Information under the Education and Skills Act 2008 Section 72 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 places a statutory duty on a responsible person at an education provider to provide local authorities’ with ‘relevant information’ about students on request. 

Relevant information is: 

a. the name, address, and date of birth of the pupil or student.

b. the name and address of a parent of the pupil or student; and 

c. information in the institution's possession about the pupil or student e.g., telephone numbers and family email addresses, information to help identify those at risk of becoming NEET post 16/17.  You do not need to share information where a parent of a pupil or student under the age of 16, or a pupil or student who has attained the age of 16, has instructed you not to provide that information.

Sections 76 and 77 provide additional data sharing powers to support local authorities to deliver their duties. The statutory guidance provides that local authorities should agree data sharing agreements with education providers and other public bodies that set out the information they will provide, when it will be provided and how they will ensure that data is passed securely.  

Cohort check 

 Ensures  we accurately report year 11 cohort data to the DfE NCCIS (National Client Caseload Information System) portal.

We ask you to highlight any pupils you consider to be vulnerable on the spreadsheet return.

School deadline

  • Spreadsheet to be returned on/before 3rd March 2023

Data collection method

  • Spreadsheet via Anycomms+ will be sent week beginning 6 February 2023.

September Guarantee 

Schools without sixth forms - offers you have made to year 11

Schools with sixth forms – offers you have made to years 11 & 12 both internal & external applicants

School deadline

  • Return to be made on/before 23rd June 2023

Data collection method

  • Spreadsheet via Anycomms+ will be sent in April for the return

Sixth form enrolment

Years 12 & 13 course data for both internal & external (live out of the borough) pupils who are on roll in your sixth form.

School deadline

  • Return to be made on/before 22nd September 2023

Data collection method

  • Spreadsheet via Anycomms+ will be sent at the beginning of September 2023

Activity Survey 

For year 11 2023 leavers.

We start entering actual destinations in the Autumn Term.  We will contact schools in October to obtain information on unknowns.

School deadline

  • Return to be made  on/before 20 October 2023

Data collection method

  • Spreadsheet via Anycomms+ will be sent in September 2023

Last update: Thursday 13th of April 2023 10:16:01 AM