Assessment and Monitoring of Children's Progress

Ongoing assessment or monitoring of a child's progress can help make sure children are settling in well to their new surroundings and any additional support that might be needed.

Settling in Sheet

The settling in sheet is a 'summative assessment tool' that is used to summarise how the child has settled in to a new setting and to establish an 'on-entry' phase of the child's development. This is carried out six weeks after the child has started in their new setting. This is carried out by the allocated Key Person/Practitioner.

Download a Settling in Sheet Template

How to do it

  1. The Key Person/Practitioner reads through all of the information collated in the child's learning record i.e. on-going notes, observations made to date and during the six week settling in period.
  2. The Key Person/Practitioner then uses this information to write a summary of how the child has settled in, how the child prefers to learn and the choices they make.
  3. The 'on-entry' stage of development is agreed with the parent/carer along with the next steps.
  4. This information is then plotted on the 'Tracking Sheet' as the initial starting point.

This article from Nursery World gives support and advice to help support children who are struggling to settle in childcare: 

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Audit Tool

We have put together a tool to look at what you are doing in your learning environment to create effective learning. It looks at how positive relationships and enabling environments can help learning. 

Download the Audit Tool

Useful articles

The articles below from the Early Years Foundation Stage Forum gives good examples of how to identify children’s Characteristics of Effective Learning relating to playing and exploring and creating and thinking critically.

2 Year Old Progress Check

The two year old progress check is a summative assessment tool that is used to summarise children's achievements to determine whether they are developing within their age related expectation. The check is carried out anytime during the child's second year up until they are three years of age.

To make the assessment the Key Person must refer to:

Use the template below to review developmental progress

Last update: Friday 3rd of July 2020 10:30:13 AM