Key dates in April 2024

Key events and national days aimed at education professionals in Waltham Forest.

1 April to 12 April

Easter Holiday

Two weeks Easter break. Please note Monday 1 April is Easter Monday. 

Tuesday 16 April

Primary offer day

Reception and junior national offer day. 

Wednesday 17 April

Careers Network Meeting

For Secondary Schools and colleges

This network is for careers staff working in Waltham Forest secondary schools and colleges who lead on or deliver Careers education, information, advice & guidance.

The network meetings provide an opportunity for practitioners and leaders to:

  • Get national and regional updates from the Local London Careers Hub East.
  • Network and share practice with other colleagues from Waltham Forest
  • Discuss approaches to delivering careers education

Online via MS Teams - 3.30pm to 4.15pm

Thursday 25 April

Deep Dive: Future Skills Questionnaire – webinar

This webinar will take place at 3.30pm to 4.30pm and is for Careers Leaders, and careers key stakeholders in mainstream, special schools, alternative provision and sixth forms who use Compass+.

The Future Skills Questionnaire feature within Compass+ captures learner's voice, it is a measure of career readiness that covers careers knowledge & skills, and skills for life & work. There are versions tailored for key transition points throughout secondary education, including a version for learners with SEND.

This webinar is designed for Career Leaders and Careers key stakeholders in mainstream schools; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms who use Compass+

Join this webinar to:

  • Understand the value of your learners completing the Future Skills Questionnaire and how it can help you to build and develop a progressive Careers programme
  • Understand how to prepare effectively to successfully generate and distribute Questionnaire links to your learners
  • Understand the variety of ways to deliver Future Skills Questionnaire in your setting to encourage high-volume responses
  • Understand how to analyse the results to identify trends, gaps, strengths and development areas to improve your careers provision

You can ask our experts any questions you have about Future Skills Questionnaire. If you have upgraded to Compass+, you may find it helpful to be logged into your Compass+ account during the session.     

Friday 26 April

Fair Access Panel

Local authorities have a statutory duty to have a protocol that sits outside the normal admissions process, to ensure that children without school places are found and offered a place as soon as possible. The statutory guidance is issued by law and applies to maintained, academy, free and independent schools. 

Tuesday 30 April

School Organisation and Admissions Board

School Organisation and Admissions Board.