By law, each local authority (LA) is required to establish a SACRE. The group’s role is to:
More information about the Advisory Council, along with meeting minutes, can be found here.
The next Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25 September 2024. Future meeting dates are Tuesday 26 November 2024, Tuesday 25 February 2025, Thursday 15 May 2025 and Wednesday 9 July 2025.
Waltham Forest Agreed SACRE Syllabus for 2021-2026 can be found here.
“We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.” Swami Vivekananda, Hindu monk
Every maintained school in England must provide a basic curriculum (RE, sex education and the National Curriculum). Religious Education is a statutory subject of the basic curriculum whilst not being part of the National Curriculum.
Religious education in schools celebrates the diversity of religious and human experience.The role of a SACRE is to:
Further information about Waltham Forest’s syllabus is available on Waltham Forest Council's website.
In order that they can bring a wide range of interests and talents to this work, a SACRE is made up of four groups:
Members of these groups are nominated by their respective organisations.
Agendas and minutes of previous meetings
Contact the clerk of the group
Our Agreed Syllabus is a document available to all schools in Waltham Forest.
All SACREs are required by law to produce an annual report. A copy of the report is sent to National Association of SACRES (NASACRE). This report contains information about standards in religious education in the borough, examination results, applications for determinations and any INSET provided for teachers, as well as accounts of other SACRE activities.
Waltham Forest SACRE annual reports.